Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Greetings from Nairobi! It's a quick transition here so I'll post just this once from Kenya. We're getting ready to board our third and final flight for Uganda!!! I will send a short post when we're in the bus on our way to the Muyenga Guest. The flight to Entebbe is short but processing visas, customs, luggage, etc will take some time. People slept a bit on our last flight, we are definitely a tired bunch but still excited to arrive in Uganda and greet the children at God Cares School today.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you all made it safely so far without trouble from Icelandic volcanoes. I hope that after a long and restful sleep, everyone feels up to the new and exciting challenges in Uganda. Say hello to everyone, especially my granddaughter Rachel Brown, I love her very much, Amani Fliers
