Tuesday, June 22, 2010

As I send this update, the team is in bed and most likely sound asleep. After only two days of working on the farm, our blistered hands, sore muscles and skilled handling of a shovel and hoe make us all feel like real farmers. Well, maybe not, but we all sleep well feeling a sense of accomplishment and a day lived with purpose. Even another offer of World Cup soccer at the church didn't sound as appealing as our own beds! As I stood in between the sleeping dorms, Pastor Robert stopped by to share that although they host many teams that serve here, this one is different. Our love the children and people here is obvious and he plans to spend his entire day with us tomorrow because our departure will be sad for him. That speaks volumes to the great impact these students are making in the lives here in Uganda. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

1 comment:

  1. i save these updates until the evening-usually reading them 2 or 3 times-they lift my soul-abundant praise and blessing for your time there.
